About Brooke Jackson-Glidden
Brooke Jackson-Glidden grew up on a nine-acre plot in Eugene, Oregon, where she subsisted on a diet of sungold tomatoes and old issues of Bon Appetit. She moved to Boston for college, where she studied under greats like New York Times columnist David Carr and Atlantic senior editor Corby Kummer. By 18, Brooke was publishing her first freelance stories; by 20, Brooke was regularly contributing to the Boston Globe. Brooke has held several titles in her life: staff restaurant critic, food editor, recipe hunter, and — her personal favorite — pizza slinger. While she currently edits the food news website Eater Portland, she accepts freelance work outside of the culinary world; she’s trained to write about most things, but prefers to write about technology, music, film, television, and gender dynamics. She also makes public appearances in classrooms and at food events and conferences.
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